(1) May I be free from danger and enmity. May I be always well and happy. (2) May my parents and teachers be always well and happy. (3) May all beings in my home be always well and happy. (4) May all devas in my home be always well and happy. (5) May all beings in my village be always well and happy. (6) May all beings in my town be always well and happy. (7) May all beings in my country be always well and happy. (8) May all beings in the east be always well and happy. (9) May all beings in the south be always well and happy. (10) May all beings in the west be always well and happy. (11) May all beings in the north be always well and happy. (12) May all beings in the south-east be always well and happy. (13) May all beings in the south-west be always well and happy. (14) May all beings in the north-west be always well and happy. (15) May all beings in the north-east be always well and happy. (16) May all beings in the upper direction be always well and happy. (17) May all beings in the lower direction be always well and happy.
(While reciting "my parents", concentrate your attention on your parents. So also, while reciting "all beings in the east" concentrate your mind on all sentient beings living in the east.)
(1) First observe the moral precepts.
(2) Sit cross-legged keeping the body upright. Place your palms one upon another facing upwards with the tips of your thumbs touching each other. Without drooping your head, sit still with steadfast mindfulness on the person to whom loving-kindness is being radiated.
(3) Focus your mind on the person to whom you want to radiate loving-kindness visualising his personality. Then, contemplate in your rnind-eye, cultivate your loving-kindnss repeatedly and earnestly thus: "May he be happy and free from for at least fifteen to thirty minutes.
(4) When you can successfully radiate
loving-kindness to a particular person, can radiate your loving-kindness in
the same way to many people, to the village, to the whole country and even
to the whole world.
When you are accustomed to that practice, it will not be difficult for you
to radiate your loving-kindness to all beings in all directions..
The benefits of loving-kindness are greater
than those attainable from the practices of charity and morality. The benefits
produced by cultivating loving-kindness for just a short moment are greater
than those obtained by offering one hundred pots of cooked rice three times
a day.
A person who cultivates loving-kindness can enjoy eleven kinds of benefits
according to the teachings of the Buddha.
1.He enjoys a sound sleep. 2. He wakes up peacefully. 3. He does not have bad dreams. 4. He is loved by human beings. 5. He is loved by non-human beings. 6. He is guarded by devas. 7. He is unaffected by fire, poison and weapons. 8. He can develop concentration quickly. 9. His face is serene and cheerful. 10. He never dies in bewilderment. 11. He may be reborn in the brahma realm when he dies.